Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleep Score Quiz Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleep Score Quiz 1. How many hours of sleep do you typically get on most nights? A. Less than 5 hours B. 5-7 hours C. 7-9 hours 2. Do you find it hard to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning? A. Always B. Sometimes C. Rarely or never 3. How often do you experience daytime sleepiness or fatigue? A. Almost every day B. A few times a week C. Rarely or never 4. Do you struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep at night? A. Frequently B. Occasionally C. Hardly ever 5. How would you describe your energy levels throughout the day? A. Low and inconsistent B. Moderate with occasional dips C. High and stable 6. Do you rely on caffeine or energy drinks to get through the day? A. Yes, multiple times a day B. Occasionally C. Rarely or never 7. How often do you wake up during the night and have trouble falling back asleep? A. Almost every night B. A few times a week C. Rarely 8. How is your mood during the day? A. Frequently irritable or anxious B. Sometimes affected C. Calm and stable most of the time 9. Do you feel the need to take naps during the day? A. Yes, every day B. Occasionally C. Rarely or never 10. Do you follow a consistent sleep schedule (going to bed and waking up at the same times daily)? A. Hardly ever B. Sometimes C. Almost always Submit Your Sleep Score: